Port San Antonio Year-In-Review and Year Ahead 2015-16

In 2015, Port San Antonio—one of the largest and most dynamic industrial platforms in South Texas—wrapped-up a big year.

 The Port continues to tackle several projects in 2016 to support key area industries, including aerospace, advanced manufacturing, global logistics and defense/cyber security. This is part of an ongoing effort to further grow the regional economy and create 5,000 new jobs at the Port within five years.

The organization’s latest progress report provides updates, videos and interactive features that recap recent and upcoming milestones, including

  • Over $100 million in capital improvements completed or underway;
  • Preparation of large sites to attract more aerospace and manufacturing operations;
  • The arrival of a new advanced manufacturer—and new jobs—in 2016;
  • Record logistics activity in 2015 supporting San Antonio’s energy, manufacturing, construction and retail industries;
…and a whole lot more.
See: www.portsanantonio.us/2015-16